Chair Yoga

Accessible, inclusive group practice

Yoga for the over 75s

I work with the charity Re-engage.

I teach chair-based yoga for the over 75s in Calderdale, West Yorkshire in partnership with the charity Re-engage, who focus on reducing loneliness and isolation in the older generation through activities.

Chair yoga classes:

  • Monthly, every 4th Friday, 11am - 12 midday in Heptonstall

  • Monthly, every 4th Friday 2-3pm in Halifax

The classes are FREE but to participate please sign up via the Re-enage website. You can also sign up an older person on their behalf, donate to the charity or search for groups for the over 75s in other areas via the Re-engage website.

We always make time for a chat and cup of tea during the session.

I am available to teach in person (in the north of the UK) and online chair yoga classes - please get in touch if you would like more information.

I trained for five years in yoga therapy and firmly believe that yoga should be adapted to suit YOUR needs. You, the student, are central to this practice.

To find out about the latest events, courses and yoga classes join my mailing list or follow me on social media.